Why I feel relaxed about the new year
I apologize for being silent for a little while! I’ve been dealing with nasty recurring flu symptoms and it’s been ups and downs for weeks. Please know that I missed you!
SO..it’s that time of the year. You have been bombarded with tactics, plans and tricks to reflect on your year and start 2019 strong.
Maybe you’ve decided on resolutions.
Maybe you’ve chosen a ‘word’ for 2019.
And that’s great!
I won’t be adding to this (however, comment below or drop me a line and I’ll be more than happy to share some goal setting tips with you!), but if you feel overwhelmed with the idea of planning for the new year, I would like go back to basics and ask you:
- What new year strategy did you use that worked for you in the past?
- Which one didn’t?
- What is different this time?
To be brutally honest, I have got carried away so many times in the excitement of the new year, and failed so many times at keeping up with my planning. A year is loooonnng and I tend to get overwhelmed and lose focus.
Can you relate?
So I decided to throw it all away and take it easy.
I do like the fact that our calendar year marks some kind of beginning and end, but I don’t really do anything special for the new year planning. It has never stuck for me.
What I do is working with a long-term vision and breaking it down in short-term goals. That way, I get to reflect, adjust and plan several times during the calendar year. And I get aligned every day 🙂
What I love about it is how relaxed it makes me feel! I don’t have complicated plans, just a clear vision and simple action steps.
And most importantly, it helps me keep the excitement up throughout the year so that I can see, feel and live the results on a consistent basis.
More clarity, feeling more relaxed, and enjoying the ride. Yep, sign me up!!
Do you do something specific when it comes to planning for the new year? Comment below!
With much love and gratitude,
Geneviève Pépin
Coach for the ambitious woman
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