An easy way to stay focused on your goals
What if what was holding you back was being too focused on the results?
Isshhhh — that sounds counter-intuitive, doesn’t it?
We are told to be result oriented, to keep our eyes on the goal, to work hard, etc. But….don’t you think it gets heavy sometimes?
Don’t get me wrong, knowing where you are going and aligning with your vision and goals on a daily basis is extremely important…. BUT, not to the expense of your well-being.
The part that is often left out is that enjoying the process to get to your goals is just as important as the goals themselves.
The process is what happens right now. It is your last action, the current one and the one you’ll take next.
The process is your LIFE. Isn’t it worth enjoying?
And guess what? Just like your growth, it never really ends…

When you enjoy the process, things feel easier!
When you enjoy the process, progress is inevitable!
When you enjoy the process, you soon look back and say “huh! look how far I’ve come!”
Focusing your attention on what you enjoy and looking to include more of it in your life will make the process more enjoyable, and therefore staying focused on your goals will come even more naturally.
Whatever you are doing to get to where you want to go…
- What is it that you are enjoying about it?
- What do you want to include more of?
- What are you grateful for?
- What can you feel good about today?
Rooting for you! HAVE FUN and an amazing Tuesday!
Geneviève Pépin
Coach for the ambitious woman
It’s never too late to be who you’re meant to be.
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