Achieve Your Goals with Fun Not Stress

Before Productive Play: You are constantly busy and still end the day feeling defeated by your to-do list, you are stressed and overwhelmed and can't seem to turn it off.

After Productive Play: You make progress on what matters and end your day satisfied, you have a clear system to manage your mind when you feel stressed, and you generally laugh more and feel lighter.

How does it work?

Productive Play is a membership community with weekly sessions and private coaching.

mindset and productivity practices during live online group sessions (weekly).

in your daily life.

as you report your wins to the group.

to help tailor the content to your goals (monthly).

Productivity Play
for Achievers

Is For:

Entrepreneurs who know that having the right habits will lead to their sustainable success. ✔️
Business owners who are looking to build their resilience, access their full creativity and build their problem solving ability.✔️
Leaders and corporate managers who want to communicate more effectively and manage uncertainty with ease.✔️

Productivity Play
for Achievers
is NOT for

Actors, comedians, professionals improvisers or anybody who want to become one through this platform.❌
Leaders who are not willing to change their perspective, be curious or authentic.❌
People who don't like to have fun nor laugh.❌

You've read the books, attended the webinars,
and you still don't see the results you want.

You've tried the success habits "crash diets"....and found yourself back to square one

Still stressed and overwhelmed.
Still feeling defeated by your to-do list.
Still lacking sleep over what you have to do and how you can stop procrastinating.

Here is the harsh truth - all the information you need is out there, available to you for free.

But if more information was what was needed to change results, we would all be billionaires with six-packs. Are you?

Information is NOT the problem. 

The mindset with which you approach the information IS the problem. It's not your fault, we live in a world praising the "hustle huslte hustle" mentality.

But this mentality ultimately leads to burnout and poor mental health. 

I was there. And I can tell you there is another way.

You CAN achieve your goals without the constant stress, and while ending your day satisfied.

You CAN achieve your ambitious goals through joy, fun and being deeply connected to what makes you feel good.

And it starts by building the sustainable mindset and productivity habits that allow you to build momentum toward your goals.

Are you ready to try something wildly different?

You don't need to Suffer to Achieve

We use play, improv and positive psychology tools to improve efficiency, build a positive and resilient mindset and increase overall performance and satisfaction.

Growth Mindset

Practice the pillars of a growth mindset, and how to manage your mind to stay on track.

Facing Uncertainty

Learn tools to stay flexible and deal with whatever comes your way.


Become a champion at listening and dealing with difficult conversations.

Get Organized

Learn techniques to focus on what matters and make traction on your goals.


Never run out of solutions with creativity thinking techniques that open up your natural creativity.


Connect and build trust more easily with new connections.

What it includes

Productive Play is a membership community with weekly sessions and private coaching.

Weekly Sessions on Thursdays 12pm ET

45 minutes of LIVE activities and learning + 15 minutes of optional Q&A

1-1 Coaching

Monthly personalized 30-minute session to help you keep momentum towards your goals

$USD 197/month

 Bring a friend for FREE in your first month!

Frequently Asked Questions

Is this an improv class?

No, these workshops are not meant to teach the art of improv in its intricacy. They are designed to use improv as a tool to improve efficiency, build a positive and resilient mindset and increase overall performance and satisfaction. 

Do I need to be funny? An extrovert?

Please don't try to be funny. Funny happens on its own. The only "thing" you need to be is yourself.

Do I need to know anything about improv?

Not at all. We will explore different topics through the lens of improvisation theater principles that help create forward momentum.

Will I need to participate?

Yes, the sessions are completely interactive. This is a judgment-free space. You'll be asked to check any judgments toward others or yourself at the door before you connect. 

Will I laugh and have an awesome time?

Hell YEAH!

Founder and Facilitator

Geneviève (Gen) Pépin

Geneviève helps leaders and entrepreneurs let go of overwhelm, reinvent their productivity and elevate their efficiency, so that they experience less stress and more satisfaction in their life. 

She is an accredited life coach (IAPC&M), certified mindset specialist, productivity and leadership development coach (Fortune 500 companies), and improv facilitator.

She founded and has been running the biggest international community of amateur improvisers in Santa Cruz de Tenerife since 2019.

Before coaching, Geneviève built her career internationally in event management and marketing, living, working and traveling in more than 20 countries, in 4 languages. 

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Justo suspendisse faucibus male
Eu cras curabitur grom estimes
Sapien metus resto elementum
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Aliquam habitasse morbin holl


Main event + Extra


Donec tristique etiam himenaeos.

Justo suspendisse faucibus male
Eu cras curabitur grom estimes
Sapien metus resto elementum
Leo taciti pretium adipiscing est
Non feugiat nullam scell risque
Aliquam habitasse morbin holl
Etiam consectetur elit fells losti
Massa purus nullam hac lost om
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