20 transformative conversations | 30 days | October 17 to November 17
Hope is a passion for the possible. ― Søren Kierkegaard
One year!
Nettola Coaching is one year old!
What. An. Honor.
So many conversations and exchanges I had the honor to have,
so much growth and transformation I had the honor to facilitate and experience!
I am SO grateful to have followed the nudge of my mission – helping women feel GREAT with themselves, from the inside out.
With all the people I coached, the biggest pain point always comes down to their relationship with themselves. I see so many women feel crap, and trapped, and...I know how it feels.
I passionately want to spread the message that this is NOT THE WAY IT MUST BE! There IS another way!
And in my experience, this starts with knowing yourself and what is truly possible for you.
As the tradition goes, I thought of celebrating by eating chocolate cake and spreading it all over my face and website....

But WAIT, there is something I like even MORE than chocolate cake.
Connecting. Creating.
...now this is how we celebrate!
Welcome to the People First Project!
20 powerful conversations, 30 days
This coaching project was suggested by a fellow coach and mentor, and I knew it was the perfect way to give back and celebrate with you, my amazing community.
I love coaching.
I love to know that all of our answers are within.
I love to know that the possibilities available to you, me and us are endless.
I love to know that we can change our perspective and therefore our whole life experience.
I love that we all can find joy and relief in our thoughts.
Coaching is so powerful and that is what I want to offer you - the gift of coaching.
What would be possible if you allowed yourself to take the next step?
Thank you SO much for talking with me!
You made it personal by actually listening to what I was saying and not making it generic. You made me actually hear myself. You helped me look within myself to use what I was saying to see what I was missing. I got a lot of inspiration out of that. THANK YOU!!
April, Entrepreneur
This project is an invitation for 20 women and 20 legacies to be built.
You can feel amazing about yourself right now, just as you are, and you can be, do and have anything you want.
Helping you be confident and aligned with who you are is what lights me up so this is a total win-win!
What you need to know before you get involved.
The People First Project is not...
- ...just another discovery call. This is a full-on coaching experience. This is not to talk about coaching, but to create a safe space to experience the coaching. If you want to know more about working with me, then we can talk about it.
- ...strategy and planning. I am not here to tell you what to do nor provide a roadmap to make your dream come true. You are the only one with the answers. My role is to empower you, hold you to a new level of conversation for yourself, and help you see yourself for who you really are (the person who CAN actually make your dreams come true). Action is crucial and it will come, but let's get aligned first.
- ...an opportunity for deep introspection. Coaching is a safe space. It is the space to explore without expectation nor judgment. It is the space where confusion dissipates and answers come forward. It is the space where your truth reveals itself, real and raw, to shine its brightest light. With deep listening and powerful questions, we shed light on what has been kept out of sight. Introspection requires courage. And I know you've got what it takes.
- ...giving a voice to self-love, self-acceptance, self-worth. You already have everything inside of you. Your worth is a hard non-negotiable, and there is a part of you who loves and accepts yourself unconditionally. What would happen if you would give these a megaphone, so their voice would be so clear in your mind, their vibration would feel so great in your body, that bliss becomes your new normal? No streetside judgemental bongo can outshine Beyoncé on the main stage.
- ...a workout for your muscle of choice. Everything in life is a skill that we build, like a muscle we grow. We grow our knowledge and experience so we can know more, do more, know better and do better. What if this also applied to the relationship you have with yourself and how you play the game of life? What if you can make conscious decisions that create a different reality for yourself, inside and out? Your power of choice gets stronger as you practice it, just like your biceps can lift heavier as you train it.
Here is the catch: unlike your bicep, exercising your power of choice does not only affect you but also your loved ones and people who surround you. Everybody benefits from an empowered you.
The People First Project is now full! Thank you!
What to expect:
- There are 20 spots. Period. This experience is first come, first serve. If you hesitate then this is NOT for you.
- The Project runs from October 17th – November 17th, 2018.
- Each conversation is 60 minutes.
- This session will challenge and stretch you. I will hold space for you to get out of your own way.
- Sessions are uncensored – this is not to fit you in a mold but to reveal your true self. Come ready to access your truth.
The People First Project is now full! Thank you!
Once again I am surprised about how much I get out of each session. For me, it feels like giant leaps. I felt also that your intuition, Gen, was great and led us into the core of the issues.
I feel I am on the right track whatever lies ahead and I am not afraid.
Kristian, Recording Artist & Changemaker
Coaching Accreditation

Hey hi! I'm Geneviève (please call me Gen).
After living, traveling and working in more than 20 countries, in four languages, I truly believe that we, humans, can adapt to anything, and therefore have the capacity to completely redesign our lives.
I am an accredited life coach, believer in the power of style, women empowerer, published co-author, loving wife and dog owner. What makes me tick is understanding the power of perception and how we can change our world by changing how we think.
I helped men and women get unstuck and let go of the beliefs and perceptions that are not serving them, in order to unblock the road to their wildest dreams. They were closer then they thought....and you are too!